It is Father's Day. And mine is 84.

At faltering moments he has defined himself as weak. But he remains the strongest man I have ever known. Fervent in his FAITH and LOVE for our Lord he is DEDICATED to his family and COMPASSIONATE to the point of action and personal sacrifice to those who are hurting. He greets each new day with fresh HOPE and sustaining PRAYERS. He ENDURES. He SEEKS to learn new things. He is TENDER. He is FIERCE. He knowns this place is not his permanent home and he MEASURES his moments to make certain that every breath he draws is invested in that which will bring forth LIFE and HEALING in the hearts of others. He has FATHERED many but has SHELTERED more. He has BEFRIENDED the homeless, PROVIDED
for the widows and has never forgotten where he has come from. He has taught me to do the same.
Last year at Easter, he called to see if I wanted him to buy me a new Easter dress. My heart could hardly contain the sweet gesture. . . . . . . . .
The compelling question that he lives out on a daily basis is - have you loved well today? Have you forgiven those who have wounded you?
I am my father's daughter, and he is the greatest eartly gift I have ever known. My daily desire is to be more more like him. To mirror the strength, conviction of spirit and perseverance that I have witnessed in being loved by him.
The hope of my heart is that I will always reflect the love that I have known in my Father.
Remember, I will love you for eternity . . . . . . .